Ice-T and his wife, model Coco Austin, are going through some tough time, but they have a little sunshine named Chanel Nicole to lift their spirits and make them smile.
Coco recently revealed that her father is battling COVID-19. The Ice Loves Coco star had this to say about the heartbreaking news: “My, tough as an ox dad, the one that never goes to the doctor, the one that doesn’t even take Tylenol for pain, the one that never EVER gets sick, were talking about the original Steve Austin (cuz thats his real name) is in the ICU requiring oxygen for #covid19… He is having trouble breathing and feels like he is being stabbed with pins throughout his body… For all the people that say it cant happen to your family..think again.”
They also stated that two of her aunts had contracted the coronavirus. Ice T took to social media this week and shared a sweet photo of his daughter, Chanel Nicole, and said this: “My motivation during these trying times… @babychanelnicole is just 4 now… Too young to honestly know what’s going on in the world… I feel my job is to try my best to improve this BS before she has to really deal with it. 👊🏽”
One fan replied: “Yes! Make the world a better place for babies. We owe her generation and all generations after us something way better than a shit sandwich we hand to them while saying “EAT THIS AND BE GRATEFUL FOR IT.” God blessed Ice and your beautiful amazing daughter.”
Another commenter claimed: “You & CoCo are doing an amazing job raising her. She is absolutely precious & a little 💎. People need to start taking it seriously and understand no one is invincible! I hope for a speedy recovery for you dad! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽”
This backer shared: “Every time I look at your daughter, I say to myself Ice if he was that type of father he couldn’t even say that that’s not his child cause y’all look so much alike y’all are twining. Same smile same eyes same face same nose same ears same everything y’all really said copy and paste. 😹”
A fourth comment read: “You’re such a good dad Ice, and Chanel’s the cutest ❤️❤️Each of us has to face this dark world @icet once, some have already met, some have not. That is why sometimes it is better not to know everything about this world, and it is better to improve the world to the one to whom we have given it, in order to protect it from the cruelty of this world. Chanel will be proud of you and your wife one day, Mr. Ice T.”
Many people are rooting for the family.